
Showing posts from May, 2019

ISOBurn 2.3.8

We have just released iso2usb 2.3.8, However you may have noticed the name has changed. Due to some bad people out there we found our application had the same name as malware leading to our application being flagged by some anti-virus applications. So we desided to change then name to ISOBurn. A few changes you will notice is the layout of the application, ISOBurn is no longer a single exe. We did this to make future changes easier and allow for more robust feature. Once such feature is the ability to stop the application for checking for updates. You can do this by going to the app folder and opening the settings.ini file with note pad. Edit the line CheckForUpdates=True and change True to False. You will also notice the AllowBurnToSystem this setting allows the application to burn an iso to a system volume erasing the current os. We did fix one major bug and that with an issue not properly notifying the user of an update. As always you can get the latest version from the ISOB