
Showing posts from August, 2017

WinPE Rescue Builder

A while ago I wrote about how you can create a WinPE Rescue disk and add your own applications to it. Having a image like that is very handy but is time consuming to build and can get very complicated if you are not familiar with the commands. So, to help make things easy and faster I have put together a script that will build the PE ISO for you. The script drastically lowers the amount of time to to build a rescue image taking it from 2 hours to about 2 minutes. You will still need to have the 1706 ADK installed on the computer you want to build the image on but other then the ADK there are no other requirements to build your image. All other resources are included in the BuildPE package. 1. Download the BuildPE package. 2. Upzip the content of the BuildPE package then run the BuildPE.bat file as an administrator 3. Once the script has completed you will see a successful message telling you where the ISO file has been stored at. 4. At the at point you can burn the ISO file

Using Offline Servicing and Windows 7

Over then next few weeks my company will be rolling out a large number of PC so I am going though the images that we will be using for this process to be sure they are all up to date. While Using Offline Servicing I notices in the log file that not all of the update where being applied. In the long run this isn't really a big issue but it dose make the role out processor more proficient if all the updates I can get are in the image file. So after a little research I came access this post. In the post the author talks about how there is a check on some updates that looks to see if the image the updates are being applied to is Online or Offline, Online meaning an actual running OS and Offline meaning a mounted image file. Since we are using Offline Servicing the image reports back as Offline. Th author then explains how to fix this and it is quite simple. 1. Create a folder where you keep your image files called Mount 2. Run the following command dism /mount-wim /wim

Create-Collections - V

This script creates SCCM Device Collections. There are parameters to create a single Device Collection, Collections from a list in a file or Collections corresponding to the Active Directory OUs in AD. When you run he scrip if you do not specify the Site Server, Site Code Limiting Collection or refresh Schedule for the Collections you will be asked to provide the information. The script supports refresh schedules for Weeks, Days, Hours, Minuets and Continuous. Depending on your refresh schedule type you will be asked for the time between each refresh. You can also add other Collections to the membership roles for the collections you are creating, The parameter is a filter so you can do things like add all Collections that start with Install. I will be working to add more membership rules to the script but that is what I have for now Since my previous version of this script I have Changed the following Added AD OU Support Added a check that that Collection was created 


ISOtoUSB is a simple PowerShell script that burns a ISO file to a drive. The script formats the drive to FAT32 then makes the drive bootable and writes the ISO file to the drive. Changes to the script since the last version Removed CD/DVD drives from the Available Drives List Add the File System Label to the Available Drives List Added scroll bars to the Available Drives List  Added the ability to name the new volume label  Removed the Cancel button  Removed the window resizing handle  Script now uses Robocopy to write the ISO files to the drive (Better handles the file copy process) reorganized the script to be more inline with my other scripts You can download ISOtoUSB from the Tools Download Page   <# .SYNOPSIS Script to create a bootable drive from a ISO .DESCRIPTION Runs a GUI that will show the available Drives on the computer from there you can choose the drive and ISo file to burn to the drive .NOTES Created By: Kris Gr